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Cyprus Citizenship new law

Citizenship Law

On the 30th of November 2023, the House of Representatives passed a new law (149(I)/2023) as an amendment to the Civil Registry Law of Cyprus which came into force on 19/12/2023. These amendments present a more favorable framework for the naturalization of high- skilled foreign workers employed by companies of foreign interest.

The following special provisions will apply under the new law in the case of foreign individuals with high qualifications/skills who are employed by foreign companies:

The period of seven years (out of the last ten) of residence in Cyprus is reduced to four years for applicants having a certificate of knowledge of the Greek language of A2 level, and three years if the certificate is of B1 level. (It is noted that A2 level means being able to use Greek in simple situations but with limited communication skills and Level B1 means being able to handle everyday communication situations independently).

Specifically, the amended legislation provides that a highly qualified individual employed by a Foreign Interest Company can apply for Cypriot citizenship if the below criteria are met:

Key Requirements

  • 12 months of legal and continuous physical stay in the country preceding the naturalization application, with permitted absences abroad not exceeding a total of 90 days;

  • Good character and a clean criminal record;

  • Suitable residence in the country;

  • Adequate knowledge of the Greek language: (i) level A2 for the individuals interested in naturalisation for four (4) years, and/or (ii) level B1 for the individuals interested in naturalisation for three (3) years;

  • Proven academic and professional qualifications;

  • Financially self-sufficient, earning a stable monthly salary of at least €2 500;

  • Entry and departure to/from the country has not been from any illegal and/or closed airports and/or ports (i.e. all the airports and/or ports in the occupied areas);

  • Basic understanding of Cyprus’s modern political and social landscape;

  • The intention to reside in the country.


Family members of the applicants may also apply for naturalisation, under the same conditions. Spouses or civil partners of the applicants should have the same certificates of knowledge of the Greek language as the applicants.

Children of the applicants that reach adulthood (18 years of age) during the examination of their parent’s application should still be considered minors for the purpose of the Law and be eligible for naturalization. Dependent adult children with disabilities are also eligible.


It is also noteworthy that the applications of highly specialized workers are examined on a ‘fast-track’ basis which does not exceed the period of eight months.

*** 30/5/2024 - Additional briefing on the Cyprus Citizenship new law

Further to our article published on 14th May 2024 pertaining to the matter of Cyprus citizenship, on the 16th of May 2024, the House of Representatives passed a second amendment to the Civil Registry Law of Cyprus, attending to some specific provisions which hindered the proper implementation of the previous amendment introduced on 19/12/2023. 

In particular, in the vein of the respective amendments made, the following provisions will hereafter apply for foreign individuals with high qualifications/skills in the technology sector who are employed by foreign companies:

  • It has been clarified that interested applicants must take both a written and an oral exam to receive the certificate of knowledge of the Greek language (either for the A2 or B1 level as required by the law). Moreover, by a new exception introduced, applicants who own a high school leaving certificate or an academic degree from an institution whose main language of instruction is Greek, shall not be required to take the Greek language examination for evidencing their Greek language level.

  • Minor children that have reached the age of 18 whilst the application of their parent (s) is under examination, can now apply for Cyprus citizenship as well, immediately after the naturalization of their parent (s), provided that they have a clean criminal record certificate.

It is also worth mentioning that any applications submitted before the passing of the new legislation, shall be examined based exclusively on the old criteria, that is, the criteria applicable during the date of submission.

Article by CPM a Proud member of Delphi Alliance in Cyprus


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