Conference Venue / Hotel Accommodation
Delphi Alliance has arranged priority hotel accommodation booking for conference participants with the Grand Hyatt Athens, subject to availability.
Booking Process:
If you intend to stay at the Grand Hyatt Athens during the conference, please follow these steps:
Contact the Hotel Directly: Contact the hotel's reservations department directly via email at reservations.ghathens@hyatt.com.
Request Availability: In your email, please provide your name, the dates of your stay, reference to your participation at the Delphi Alliance 1st Global Conference and any specific room preferences you may have. The hotel's reservations department will check for updated availability and provide you with the best possible rate based on the available room types.
Priority for Conference Participants: Conference participants will be given priority throughout this booking process. The hotel is fully committed to accommodating your needs to the best of their ability.
Please note that accommodation availability is subject to change, and we recommend booking your stay at the Grand Hyatt Athens as soon as possible to secure your accommodation.
If you have any questions or require further assistance regarding your accommodation, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at: conference@delphialliance.com.